
This book on the Law and Practice of Labour Dispute Resolution and Litigation in Tanzania is the first book to comprehensively cover theory and practice of the existing labour regimes in Tanzania under Employment and Labour Relations Act and Labour Institutions Act, No. 7 of 2004 and their Regulations. This is a follow up book after the first book of the same author titled ‘The formation and termination of Employment Contract in Tanzania’.

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This book on the Law and Practice of Labour Dispute Resolution and Litigation in Tanzania is the first book to comprehensively cover theory and practice of the existing labour regimes in Tanzania under Employment and Labour Relations Act and Labour Institutions Act, No. 7 of 2004 and their Regulations. This is a follow up book after the first book of the same author titled ‘The formation and termination of Employment Contract in Tanzania’.

The book provides an overview of the theories of Labour Dispute Resolutions and litigation and its applicability. The most important parts covered by the book are nature, powers and jurisdictions of CMA and Labour Courts, which expertly guiding the practitioners through jurisdictional and procedural issues supported by cases. The Rules, Guidelines   and Codes of the CMA and Labour Courts have been discussed, which give practitioners and students useful tips which can guide them in all stages of dispute resolution processes of Mediation, Arbitration and Litigation. Theories and Practical advice are offered on all stages of  Mediation, Med-Arb,Pre-arbitration and Arbitration before issuance of the award. The theory part covers nature and type of disputes and its resolution processes, structure and its Institutions. The practical part covers Mediation,Med-Arb, Arbitration at CMA and litigation technicalities at the Labour Court. In both parts, various cases decided by CMA, Labour Court, Court of Appeal  andcases from other jurisdictions have been included. Included also are Sample of the Referral forms applicable at CMA and Labour Court.